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Interim Executive Director

Nonprofit Leadership Transition Services

Remmell Consulting provides interim executive director services that are tailored to your organizations’ distinct needs. We begin with an assessment conversation with your Board of Directors and staff leadership team to determine what style of leader the organization needs. Does your organization need a leader to assess and conduct systematic changes, maintain status quo, or coach staff?


When organizations experience leadership transitions, an interim executive director can help steer the ship amidst a sea of changes. We adapt our services according to the situational needs of the staff and board. Sometimes, an interim leader can provide stability, objective perspective, and fresh insight while an executive search is underway. Existing management teams can undergo leadership development during a transition, creating opportunities to give staff new responsibilities. This often leads to increased retention and supports the incoming ED. In other situations, the interim leader may create a loose strategic plan that sets up the next leader for success. The benefits of an interim ED include:


  • Provide stability by maintaining day-to-day operations and leadership

  • Provides the Board of Directors with time to conduct a thorough search

  • Help maintain effective governance practices and support the members

  • Assess fund development plan and contribute new strategies; maintain momentum on a capital campaign

  • Offer outsider’s perspective, allowing them to identify areas for improvement, streamline processes, and suggest innovative solutions


To learn more about how we can support your organization through a leadership transition, get in touch.

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